Brenda van der Vossen presents her DBRIC sponsored work at the low back pain forum in Groningen
Descriptive epidemiology of societal costs of older adults with low back pain seeking chiropractic care
Descriptive epidemiology of societal costs of older adults with low back pain seeking chiropractic care
Deadline approaching! The half yearly deadline (15th of May 2023) for educational grant applications is approaching fast. Please send your applications to info@dbric.eu. The required forms and information can be found on this website. For questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
At its 6 monthly meeting, the DBRIC board approved the application of post-doc Annemarie de Zoete and gave this project a grant of € 31.149 Title: Would the results from our earlier IPD meta-analysis on spinal manipulative therapy for chronic…
Deadline approaching! The half yearly deadline (15th of December 2022) for educational grant applications is approaching fast. Please send your applications to info@dbric.eu. The required forms and information can be found on this website. For questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
In its latest quarterly report, DBRIC received a prominent article on winning the ECCRE research price. For the article, please go to page 58 at DBRIC academic advisory council member and researcher involved in DBRIC’s first projects, associate professor…
Deadline approaching! The annual deadline (15th of October 2022) for research grants applications is approaching fast. Please send your applications to info@dbric.eu. The required forms and information can be found on this website. For questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
The CMT have made a call for papers for a new Thematic Series, titled Spinal manipulation/mobilization: past, present and future. Professor Stephen Perle is leading this series. Details are available via the following links: articles/collections I would really…